All countries seek autarky (self-sufficiency) on various levels. We seek to provide a path to, or be the bridge toward, autarky for/with the entities we engage.
To this effect, LSG does and will sustainably contribute when and where needed, to this end. However, practically speaking, we will focus on LSG day-to-day usage of “glocal”, and within this section we will specify our information as it relates to “Intelligent Business and Tech²”.
Empirically speaking, LSG’s capabilities, advantages and benefits through localized talent are developed and optimized through collaborative glocal utilization of the “best-in” of our assets and resources for the integration and/or blending for a “best-of” collective unit, resulting in comprehensive optimized sustainable solutions and positive outcomes.
Every initiative is customized, culturally represented, and geo-specific attentive. Void of cumbersome bureaucracy, politics, obstructionists, defeatists, and hidden agendas, LSG facilitates optimized sustainable outcomes through LSG-proper, our partners and alliances, and for our clients.
With Integrity First, Foremost and Unconditional, Lightning Strike Global integrates and blends the best of what the world communities have to offer.
LSG-glocalization: When LSG is engaged for an initiative within a specific geo-economic arena, specific or comprehensive core-competencies are needed, and specific goals are required. LSG organizes a “right fit” team based upon each LSG professional’s personal and professional experience and expertise, as well as a host of other variables. With LSG personnel defined and LSG-POC intimately engaged, it is our job to know every facet of every tangible and intangible aspect, every possible positive and negative externality, everyone’s role, every responsibility and accountability needed, and every influencer, within each engagement to facilitate a purposeful sustainable positive outcome.
GIVEN are exponential variables to systematically achieve the positive result. However, the LSG advantage and benefit is our empathetic attention to detail. In that, if our LSG personnel, or partner, is not originally from/of similar geo-economic parameters for engagement, or doesn’t have the professional experience within the scope… then, we enculturate! LSG will thoughtfully become intimately knowledgeable of the where’s, what’s, who’s, why’s and timelines for each engagement… full-on immersion, from the foundation/street-level-perspective through the final decision-maker and related influencers. LSG facilitates optimized sustainable solutions and results on the global fora through the eyes of local level citizens and actors, as well as, simultaneously through the vision of every organization which we have been engaged for initiative. Vision².
Global in Scope. Local in Method. That’s “GLOCAL”.
The best of what the world could offer…
All communities around the world have it.
Most don’t know it.
LSG wants to uncover it.
Source the talent.
Provide opportunities.

All countries seek autarky (self-sufficiency) on various levels. We seek to provide a path to, or be the bridge toward, autarky for/with the entities we engage.
To this effect, LSG does and will sustainably contribute when and where needed, to this end. However, practically speaking, we will focus on LSG day-to-day usage of “glocal”, and within this section we will specify our information as it relates to “Intelligent Business and Tech²”.
Empirically speaking, LSG’s capabilities, advantages and benefits through localized talent are developed and optimized through collaborative glocal utilization of the “best-in” of our assets and resources for the integration and/or blending for a “best-of” collective unit, resulting in comprehensive optimized sustainable solutions and positive outcomes.
Every initiative is customized, culturally represented, and geo-specific attentive. Void of cumbersome bureaucracy, politics, obstructionists, defeatists, and hidden agendas, LSG facilitates optimized sustainable outcomes through LSG-proper, our partners and alliances, and for our clients.
With Integrity First, Foremost and Unconditional, Lightning Strike Global integrates and blends the best of what the world communities have to offer.
LSG-glocalization: When LSG is engaged for an initiative within a specific geo-economic arena, specific or comprehensive core-competencies are needed, and specific goals are required. LSG organizes a “right fit” team based upon each LSG professional’s personal and professional experience and expertise, as well as a host of other variables. With LSG personnel defined and LSG-POC intimately engaged, it is our job to know every facet of every tangible and intangible aspect, every possible positive and negative externality, everyone’s role, every responsibility and accountability needed, and every influencer, within each engagement to facilitate a purposeful sustainable positive outcome.
GIVEN are exponential variables to systematically achieve the positive result. However, the LSG advantage and benefit is our empathetic attention to detail. In that, if our LSG personnel, or partner, is not originally from/of similar geo-economic parameters for engagement, or doesn’t have the professional experience within the scope… then, we enculturate! LSG will thoughtfully become intimately knowledgeable of the where’s, what’s, who’s, why’s and timelines for each engagement… full-on immersion, from the foundation/street-level-perspective through the final decision-maker and related influencers. LSG facilitates optimized sustainable solutions and results on the global fora through the eyes of local level citizens and actors, as well as, simultaneously through the vision of every organization which we have been engaged for initiative. Vision².
Global in Scope. Local in Method. That’s “GLOCAL”.
The best of what the world could offer…
All communities around the world have it.
Most don’t know it.
LSG wants to uncover it.
Source the talent.
Provide opportunities.