LSG defines “Economies” compartmentally, as well as, the gestalt.
“Economies” are dependent on each of our roles within economies. We all have our own specific roles. Some of us have larger roles, on all levels. Some of us have more limited roles, within a specific level. Key is knowing what we can and should do to maximize our potential. Focus on maximizing your potential now, as this is our innate duty and our duty to those whom rely on us.
We as professional entities, and the entities to whom, and which, we are accountable, depend on our getting our respective “selves” in order, first. LSG was established to assist entrepreneurs, companies, organizations, communities and countries with these critical areas of development and optimization.
Largely overlooked by many is the specific defining and explanation of concepts. So, to be perfectly clear…
“ECONOMIES” Framework…
MICRO and MACRO, integrated multi-directional, as it is in real-life. Visualization with “street level” perspective and simultaneously “big picture” understanding is of critical importance. We utilize globally accepted definitions of economy, economies and economies of scale, economics, an so forth. Additionally, for purposes of understanding across all knowledge bases, and for the majority of our application within our website, we should define economies with the perspective of LSG-defined “gears” and “gear-box” –OR- ”cogs” and “cog-wheel” -OR- “gestaltic” and “holistic” analogies. Each usage of terminology to defining your customized socio-economic discussion with LSG is acceptable, and whichever makes most sense to professionals engaged to ensure verbal imagery.
Our intention is not to over-simplify nor diminish the complexity of this tremendous topic, but our readers should visualize “systems within systems within systems, and so forth”…
Within case-by-case bases, with varying degrees of distinct usage, the following, but not limited to the following, we will address “Economies” analysis, development, enhancement, optimization and impact with the following segment classifications (for “ease of starting point discussion, only”):
- Personal/Individual
- Family/Unit
- Community/Neighbourhood/Rural Community
- Village/Town/City
- Regional/Geo-political Boundaries
- Provencal/State
- State/National/Federal
- Global
- Local
- Glocal
Questions (very short and incomplete list) everyone should generally, and specifically, ask themselves about a socio-economic initiative they are considering for their involvement with “economies”:
- How do you define successful economies?
- Who are the influencers who typically define successful economies, engagements, projects, programs?
- Are cost-benefit analyses limited to numbers (essentially deciding who lives and who dies)?
- Numbers don’t lie?
- Numbers are relative to what you want the outcome to be?
- “Real” living wage (suggested is a look at the latest Chicago statistics)?
- “Real” opportunities available?
- If you are a corporate executive, when was the last time you really walked in the shoes of the “foundation” of your company?
On an engagement-by-engagement basis, LSG will understand, with practical application, every facet of micro and macro “details” with thorough analysis of all internal and external, tangible and intangible, positive and negative externalities and variables, backed with knowledge and experience. We understand zeitgeist. We understand trends. Complete and total understanding with Lightning Strike Global. We are here to make you stronger and assist in the maximization of your talents, assets and resources, helping you reach sustainable efficacy.
LSG’s programs and solutions are that of the reality within each economy…
LSG Integrates and Blends to OPTIMIZE.
Engage Forward.

LSG defines “Economies” compartmentally, as well as, the gestalt.
“Economies” are dependent on each of our roles within economies. We all have our own specific roles. Some of us have larger roles, on all levels. Some of us have more limited roles, within a specific level. Key is knowing what we can and should do to maximize our potential. Focus on maximizing your potential now, as this is our innate duty and our duty to those whom rely on us.
We as professional entities, and the entities to whom, and which, we are accountable, depend on our getting our respective “selves” in order, first. LSG was established to assist entrepreneurs, companies, organizations, communities and countries with these critical areas of development and optimization.
Largely overlooked by many is the specific defining and explanation of concepts. So, to be perfectly clear…
“ECONOMIES” Framework…
MICRO and MACRO, integrated multi-directional, as it is in real-life. Visualization with “street level” perspective and simultaneously “big picture” understanding is of critical importance. We utilize globally accepted definitions of economy, economies and economies of scale, economics, an so forth. Additionally, for purposes of understanding across all knowledge bases, and for the majority of our application within our website, we should define economies with the perspective of LSG-defined “gears” and “gear-box” –OR- ”cogs” and “cog-wheel” -OR- “gestaltic” and “holistic” analogies. Each usage of terminology to defining your customized socio-economic discussion with LSG is acceptable, and whichever makes most sense to professionals engaged to ensure verbal imagery.
Our intention is not to over-simplify nor diminish the complexity of this tremendous topic, but our readers should visualize “systems within systems within systems, and so forth”…
Within case-by-case bases, with varying degrees of distinct usage, the following, but not limited to the following, we will address “Economies” analysis, development, enhancement, optimization and impact with the following segment classifications (for “ease of starting point discussion, only”):
- Personal/Individual
- Family/Unit
- Community/Neighbourhood/Rural Community
- Village/Town/City
- Regional/Geo-political Boundaries
- Provencal/State
- State/National/Federal
- Global
- Local
- Glocal
Questions (very short and incomplete list) everyone should generally, and specifically, ask themselves about a socio-economic initiative they are considering for their involvement with “economies”:
- How do you define successful economies?
- Who are the influencers who typically define successful economies, engagements, projects, programs?
- Are cost-benefit analyses limited to numbers (essentially deciding who lives and who dies)?
- Numbers don’t lie?
- Numbers are relative to what you want the outcome to be?
- “Real” living wage (suggested is a look at the latest Chicago statistics)?
- “Real” opportunities available?
- If you are a corporate executive, when was the last time you really walked in the shoes of the “foundation” of your company?
On an engagement-by-engagement basis, LSG will understand, with practical application, every facet of micro and macro “details” with thorough analysis of all internal and external, tangible and intangible, positive and negative externalities and variables, backed with knowledge and experience. We understand zeitgeist. We understand trends. Complete and total understanding with Lightning Strike Global. We are here to make you stronger and assist in the maximization of your talents, assets and resources, helping you reach sustainable efficacy.
LSG’s programs and solutions are that of the reality within each economy…
LSG Integrates and Blends to OPTIMIZE.
Engage Forward.