APMS through C⁵ISR
Understood is that LSG’s network of professionals with unique personal and professional talents, knowledge and wisdom, blended precisely together to provide systems of assets (people), resources and solutions for empowerment and sustainable results.
Like a Swiss pocket watch mechanism, always precise and reliable…
Through a collaborative APPROACH, cooperative PROCESS, integrative METHOD, comprehensive SYSTEM; (universal application) APMS, is customized to ensure an (OPTIMIZED) SUSTAINABLE RESULT (SR), successfully utilized within an any-sector type of engagement, macro or micro.
Ours’ is a “LIVING” APMS, which never pauses, as it is a “living-system” that, by design, is dynamic and kinetic, always changing and getting stronger. A key component to APMS success is that this system is supported with an infinite number of feedback and evaluation components (both, openly and confidential), as directed by expert cross-cultural management teams.
Attention to detail is intricate and precise, but never cumbersome, through constant, interactively thorough “open-line” COMMUNICATION; accountable and responsible, management COMMAND; predictive CONTROL; comprehensive digital technologies, legacy and cloud, COMPUTERS-centric capabilities; every affected and effected human-factor has an “inputs or supports” COLLABORATIVE roles; feasible and equitable “best-in-sustainability” of every active and impactive cog and cogwheel (gear-centric) INTEGRATION; focused on, and resulting in, SUSTAINABLE solutions (e.g.: self-winding watch mechanism); and, RESULT which is sustainability in perpetual motion. Thus, C⁵ISR.
APMS through C⁵ISR, from beginning to end (AΩ). Even if engagement with LSG is contractually complete, if all implementations and optimizations are according to LSG design, sustainability efforts will not cease. Sustainability, infinite, or S∞.
So, Einsteinian simplified, it would be written: APMS+C⁵ISR+AΩ=SR∞
The “HOW” is in the detail of the cogs and cogwheel…
LSG agile Approach, Process, Method and System (APMS), as a kinetic and dynamic, “One-Brand Comprehensive Company”… As a “Swiss Pocket Watch”, each of us understands, not only that it provides precision, that it may work better than any other, we understand the “how and why” it provides the precision best.
This includes, but not limited to, practical application of the knowledge of what each “gear” is responsible AND that if one “gear” is not functioning exactly by design, the entire “system” is worthless and will only be correct twice daily. Paramount is that each is accountable and responsible, working together to create the collective, and precise, final sustainable result. Further, the blending of business thinking with IT and technology thinking is a key to success through LSG critical thinking, analysis, planning, implementation/optimization, and culturally adept management teams. Every “tooth” (or cog) of every “gear” (cogwheel) is critical, providing a uniquely gestaltic and holistic solution.
So, again… Einsteinian simplified, APMS=SR AΩ with C⁵ISR AΩ equals ISP∞ (Infinite Sustainable Possibilities). It’s that easy to understand. Your sustainable future… Sustainability is in the details.
Why LSG does it?
Because every LSG professional has lived a lifetime of helping people, organizations, companies, economies become better and successful, never forgetting the individual struggles (many times, our personal struggles) within each community. Together, within LSG careful planning, feedback and evaluation, every project gets stronger every day. A real sustainable success story, every time with cooperative and collaborative partners, alliances, clients and communities.
Who does LSG help?
We engage, within and throughout, multiple (and all) levels. Street-level, local/micro-approach with “real people” start-ups to SME/Organizations to Large Corporations (and/or their departmental functions) to full-service solutions, global-level/macro-approach, and sustainable results. Further, with LSG individual and collective history of success, it is easier to make educated predictions which lead to success.
When? Types of engagements?
“Before-the-event” versus “After-the-fact”, ex-ante versus ex-post: Our favourite engagements are with forward-thinking (ex-ante) entities. We do enjoy being the “fixer-facilitator”, as well, for ex-post engagements.
Examples of types of engagements, with local or global connectivity, we most commonly engage as:
- LSG (business system-centric with/without Partners; or Partner-led with LSG supports
- IST (technology system-centric with/without Partners; or Partner-led with IST supports
- LSG-IST (combination) with/without Partners; or Partner-led with LSG-IST supports
- IST-LSG (combination) with/without Partners; or Partner-led with IST-LSG supports
“Engage Forward” with LSG, as stand-alone to LSG-IST complex solutions for Business-Centric initiatives.
“Engage IT forward” with IST, for stand-alone websites and digital optimization (legacy or cloud) to IST-LSG complex Digital Economy, Strategy and Marketing Optimization to IoT, Tech-centric initiatives.
Regarding obstructions and impasse, “usually or always, as a fact of doing business”; LSG systems and management are designed to adapt and overcome. Every professional entity of/within LSG and our Strategic Alliances/Partnerships have had successful “lifetimes” (or is learning the skills for) blasting through, over, under and around obstructions. Enough said.
Don’t expect us to be PC. Do expect us to be strategic and tactical, engage with operational and actionable tenacity, and satisfy each objective, when and where we have agreement to be empowered to empower.

APMS through C⁵ISR
Understood is that LSG’s network of professionals with unique personal and professional talents, knowledge and wisdom, blended precisely together to provide systems of assets (people), resources and solutions for empowerment and sustainable results.
Like a Swiss pocket watch mechanism, always precise and reliable…
Through a collaborative APPROACH, cooperative PROCESS, integrative METHOD, comprehensive SYSTEM; (universal application) APMS, is customized to ensure an (OPTIMIZED) SUSTAINABLE RESULT (SR), successfully utilized within an any-sector type of engagement, macro or micro.
Ours’ is a “LIVING” APMS, which never pauses, as it is a “living-system” that, by design, is dynamic and kinetic, always changing and getting stronger. A key component to APMS success is that this system is supported with an infinite number of feedback and evaluation components (both, openly and confidential), as directed by expert cross-cultural management teams.
Attention to detail is intricate and precise, but never cumbersome, through constant, interactively thorough “open-line” COMMUNICATION; accountable and responsible, management COMMAND; predictive CONTROL; comprehensive digital technologies, legacy and cloud, COMPUTERS-centric capabilities; every affected and effected human-factor has an “inputs or supports” COLLABORATIVE roles; feasible and equitable “best-in-sustainability” of every active and impactive cog and cogwheel (gear-centric) INTEGRATION; focused on, and resulting in, SUSTAINABLE solutions (e.g.: self-winding watch mechanism); and, RESULT which is sustainability in perpetual motion. Thus, C⁵ISR.
APMS through C⁵ISR, from beginning to end (AΩ). Even if engagement with LSG is contractually complete, if all implementations and optimizations are according to LSG design, sustainability efforts will not cease. Sustainability, infinite, or S∞.
So, Einsteinian simplified, it would be written: APMS+C⁵ISR+AΩ=SR∞
The “HOW” is in the detail of the cogs and cogwheel…
LSG agile Approach, Process, Method and System (APMS), as a kinetic and dynamic, “One-Brand Comprehensive Company”… As a “Swiss Pocket Watch”, each of us understands, not only that it provides precision, that it may work better than any other, we understand the “how and why” it provides the precision best.
This includes, but not limited to, practical application of the knowledge of what each “gear” is responsible AND that if one “gear” is not functioning exactly by design, the entire “system” is worthless and will only be correct twice daily. Paramount is that each is accountable and responsible, working together to create the collective, and precise, final sustainable result. Further, the blending of business thinking with IT and technology thinking is a key to success through LSG critical thinking, analysis, planning, implementation/optimization, and culturally adept management teams. Every “tooth” (or cog) of every “gear” (cogwheel) is critical, providing a uniquely gestaltic and holistic solution.
So, again… Einsteinian simplified, APMS=SR AΩ with C⁵ISR AΩ equals ISP∞ (Infinite Sustainable Possibilities). It’s that easy to understand. Your sustainable future… Sustainability is in the details.
Why LSG does it?
Because every LSG professional has lived a lifetime of helping people, organizations, companies, economies become better and successful, never forgetting the individual struggles (many times, our personal struggles) within each community. Together, within LSG careful planning, feedback and evaluation, every project gets stronger every day. A real sustainable success story, every time with cooperative and collaborative partners, alliances, clients and communities.
Who does LSG help?
We engage, within and throughout, multiple (and all) levels. Street-level, local/micro-approach with “real people” start-ups to SME/Organizations to Large Corporations (and/or their departmental functions) to full-service solutions, global-level/macro-approach, and sustainable results. Further, with LSG individual and collective history of success, it is easier to make educated predictions which lead to success.
When? Types of engagements?
“Before-the-event” versus “After-the-fact”, ex-ante versus ex-post: Our favourite engagements are with forward-thinking (ex-ante) entities. We do enjoy being the “fixer-facilitator”, as well, for ex-post engagements.
Examples of types of engagements, with local or global connectivity, we most commonly engage as:
- LSG (business system-centric with/without Partners; or Partner-led with LSG supports
- IST (technology system-centric with/without Partners; or Partner-led with IST supports
- LSG-IST (combination) with/without Partners; or Partner-led with LSG-IST supports
- IST-LSG (combination) with/without Partners; or Partner-led with IST-LSG supports
“Engage Forward” with LSG, as stand-alone to LSG-IST complex solutions for Business-Centric initiatives.
“Engage IT forward” with IST, for stand-alone websites and digital optimization (legacy or cloud) to IST-LSG complex Digital Economy, Strategy and Marketing Optimization to IoT, Tech-centric initiatives.
Regarding obstructions and impasse, “usually or always, as a fact of doing business”; LSG systems and management are designed to adapt and overcome. Every professional entity of/within LSG and our Strategic Alliances/Partnerships have had successful “lifetimes” (or is learning the skills for) blasting through, over, under and around obstructions. Enough said.
Don’t expect us to be PC. Do expect us to be strategic and tactical, engage with operational and actionable tenacity, and satisfy each objective, when and where we have agreement to be empowered to empower.